Chelsea Hilbert

Chelsea Hilbert,
Director & Founder Inside Out

With a heart that breaks for people in pain, Chelsea felt early-on in her college years, a need to stand in the gap for those who feel “unseen and unheard”. That passion led her team up and launch a peer-led drug and alcohol educational program called, ‘Student-to-Student’ at San Diego State University as well as beginning work as a group home counselor and educator for teen girls.

Recognizing the need and wanting to do more, she completed her bachelor’s in psychology (San Diego State University), a master’s in social work (University of Southern California) and post graduate work leading to a California license in Clinical Social work.

It didn’t take long for God to present opportunities to use those skills. She began working in a psychiatric hospital, a public health agency, trauma centers and emergency rooms and pediatric intensive care units. The focus became caring for those in trauma and grief, as well as teaching first responders and other medical professionals how to engage in this area.

Then it got personal.

In 2000, Chelsea and her husband experienced the sudden death of their 16-month son. Journeying through this grief, gave Chelsea new insight for the depths of trauma.  This experience moved her to co-found The Sudden, Unexplained Death in Childhood program, now an international foundation.  She worked as the social services director serving families and professionals until 2007.

Now, after more than a decade of serving as a lay counselor, chaplain and ministry leader in a local mega-church, Chelsea can clearly see a need for deeper and more targeted mental health and spiritual care.

God’s calling led her to begin Inside-Out: a team of gifted and experienced Christians who are passionate about caring for those who may feel unseen and forgotten.

Contact Inside Out

We are here to help you. Give us a call or send us a message.

  • Phone:
    (949) 245-2792
  • Email:

  • Mailing Address:
    1968 S. Coast Hwy #2652
    Laguna Beach, CA 92651